In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Firenze - everything came down to this!

This photo says it all about the joys of backpacking across Italy! :)

Il Duomo, Florence Italy

Monday, May 16, 2016

Italy: Everything is ready!

In nine short days I leave for Italy, for a two week race across the country! Everything is now booked; hotels, trains and tickets to various sites. Very pumped for this outing, to a place with so much history and so much impact to the modern world. I am sure there is more I wish I had the time to do and places to see, but I will be more than content with my itinerary as is:

Rome, Venice, Florence, Monteriggionni, Pisa, Cinque Terre, Naples, Pompeii and Vatican City.

A lot of ground to cover and oh so many things to see and food to eat. The food! God, this is going to be a waist thickener! LoL!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Two years later...

Its hard to believe that it has been nearly two years since I last updated. In that time, I was actually abroad for the year, living in Malaysia and touring South-East Asia and Australia. Way too many stories to rehash. But the travels in that part of the world have ceased as I am back now in Quebec City, aka my prison. LoL!

On the upside, I leave for Italy in May for a two week cross country run and that escape will be golden :)