In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Six weeks until departure!

Finalized my flights and have the tickets in hand! In six weeks it will be a crazy cross world dash from Quebec City to Kuala Lumpur. And the bonus is, I was finally able to reduce my layovers in Japan and Toronto on the return trip, giving me two days in Tokyo. Not nearly enough time for sure, but two days is better than no days! :)

Added bonus, Narita airport has luggage storage lockers for like five bucks a day, good for use up to eight days, meaning I won't have to lug my big backpack around Japan with me. Since I'll only be spending one night in Tokyo, in a capsule hotel no less, I will only need the minimal amount of supplies in a smaller day pack. Exciting!

All that remains in finalizing my Singapore visit and all of the hostels I will need while abroad. And of course, plotting out my days in Kuala Lumpur and figuring out how to get to Ipoh, Penang and Selangar/Sekinchan. That's the easy stuff, now that the more difficult task is dealt with (the flights).

More to follow!

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