In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 7 & 8: Tulum and Cancun

You can tell by the difference in times, that there wasn't much to write about here. On the Thursday in Tulum, I went shopping for some last minute gift items and then had breakfast with everyone I'd met that was still at the hostel, before heading into Tulum to board my bus to Cancun. The ride was uneventful - I slept the whole way; the week had drained me.

Its tough to be constantly on the go, trying to get it all in, because you feel you may never be back that way again. And most people would tell you that this is the wrong way to do it. Me, I know how large this world of ours really is and I want to see it all! I can't for the life of me think why I would visit anywhere twice when there is so much more that I haven't seen and experienced. But that's just me - it doesn't have to be your philosophy at all. In fact, unless you are exactly like me, I would recommend you follow everyone else's sage advice and take things slowly.

Cancun was literally nothing more than a stop for the night until my morning flight so I did *very* little aside from eat, grab some other last minute items and sleep. And have a proper shower... :)

And, as has been noted, I am back home, it's snowing and I fucking hate winter. Life goes on, much as it always did, and I eagerly await the next adventure, be it to Italy or to China. In fact, China is the plan for late 2013... but you will be reading all about that over the course of the next 18 months no doubt.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Day 6: Tulum and Coba

Oof - what a hangover. We all stayed up drinking until 4:30am, knowing full well that we'd be hiking the jungles of Coba today and climbing the tallest climbable pyramid in Mexico. Got up at 7:30am and waited until 8:00am for breakfast. Lisa and Catrin were leaving today, heading to La Candelaria in Valladolid, but we were all going to go see Coba first, before they caught their bus and I caught mine. What an adventure! Coba was surreal! We even sat on a ruin and ate sandwiches - how cool is that?

The climb up the pyramid was pretty tortuous for some, but I made my way up in good time - winded and sweating like a pig, but hey ... I didn't at 39 (almost 40) get beat up to the top by a bunch of 20-somethings! LoL! The view from the top was astounding. I was shooting with the big camera, so there aren't as many photos as I normally would have, since I'm shooting in RAW format, and they hog up 11 megs per photo and my card was rapidly filling up. I did get quite a few though, so worry not!

After spending an awesome day in the jungles at the ruins of Coba with the girls, I caught my bus back to Tulum and was SOOO tired, that I didn't even make it out for a final dinner with Cam and Amina, who were leaving in the morning for Chetumal and Belize. We did do breakfast the next day though. I had to share my room with two obnoxious guys who kept farting and snoring all night though. It was funny at first, since I was so tired, but then it got just downright too much. I was tired! Eventually I drifted off, and slept until the next morning, no problem at all! Photos?

Coba - yep, its a jungle in there!

A ruined temple you could somewhat climb up

Another cool ruin you could walk on and through!

I mean, it was jungley in there!

About to mount the castillo

Looking down at fellow climbers

The view from atop the castillo
Thats more or less the day - didnt do much else, although I wish I had've seen a cenote or two, just for the sake of a nice cool swim! More later!

Day 5: Tulum and Akumal (redux)

The title gives it away, but today was pretty much a repeat of yesterday, except this time I was not doing it solo. Everyone wanted to go swimming with the turtles, so it was off to Akumal for me again, but first, I went and solo'd the ruins here in Tulum before breakfast at 8:00am. There were only about 15 people in line ahead of me and once we all got in, everyone more or less scrambled all over so I didn't have anyone in my photos (just the way I like them sometimes). It was a very cool, if somewhat haunting place. I can't quite put my finger on why it felt that way, but it just did. Might have something to do with the fact that it was the one place the Spanish never found nor conquered all those years ago. I did get a lot of great photos too!

After the ruins, I went back to grab breakfast and to collect my gear and companions for the return to Akumal. Another 20 pesos, 20 minute colectivo ride to Akumal and we were swimming with turtles again! I could never get tired of that! We also swam over to the coral reef, now regrowing (devastated by coral fishing and hurricanes), and watched a multitude of fish going about their day, ala Finding Nemo - again, many photos ensued. In hindsight, I should not have stayed in the water so long, for 1) the sunburn I would later have, and 2) because an hour underwater caused my camcorder to blow up. Not really, but it may as well have. I think I didn't dry it too well, and then we went on a long bike ride back in Tulum (8 km) and the humidity and heat made the display get all wonky, and then just die. Suffice it to say, its not working, and from that point forward, my available photos decrease, as I don't like to pull the big boy out when in crowded places, unless I have no choice. Aw well, it survived India and most of Mexico - I guess the $200 I paid was worth it! At any rate, I've got it in a tub of rice at the moment to see if that might make things better, although I have my doubts.

Tulum Ruins

Crazy mini huts at Tulum Ruins

Tulum's Castillo

Akumal - Finally got him coming up for air!

Akumal - fish hiding from Barracudas

Akumal - Some colourful fish
And thats about it kids... more to follow. Coba tomorrow and a long climb up a pyramid in the jungles of the Yucatan!

Day 4: Tulum and Akumal

I'll be honest, Tulum was a whirlwind leg of the trip and the internet access was really slow, so I waited until coming back home to write these portions of the trip. I stayed out with my new bunkmates a little late Sunday night to go grab a late dinner and to get acquainted with everyone at the hostel. A great bunch, mostly from France, with one girl from Russia. Went and had some Mole Enchilladas with a nice big glass of Jamaica - cost 65 pesos.

In the morning, I had an amazing breakfast (photo courtesy of Cam) of fruits and a main consisting of a nacho cup filled with rice, spiced hamburger and veggies, washed down with fresh coffee and a passionfruit, strawberry smoothie. After digesting and playing with the resident coati, Oscar, I jumped into a colectivo and headed 20 minutes north of Tulum to Akumal to snorkel the reefs and to my supreme pleasure, to swim with gigantic sea turtles! Also saw cuttlefish, stingrays and loads of fish!

At night, I met some other denizens of the hostel (Davis from Montreal and three girls from Germany, Lisa, Lisa and Catrin) and we all went for dinner in town - what a fucking bike ride! We all made plans to head to Akumal again tomorrow to see the turtles, including Amina from Denmark. That sums up the day rather well - photos to follow.

Breakfast at Posada Los Mapaches (Thanks Cam!)

Oscar playing in the tree near my room

Sea Turtle at Akumal!

Stingray at Akumal - I was a little afraid to be so close!

Me at the beach after my snorkeling adventure

More to follow folks!