In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Home again...

Back from the most amazing week in Mexico City! And the weather here is surprisingly much better than when we left it. Loads and loads of adventures to relay but need to pool my information and then I will provide all of the details and photos. Still burned out from it all (lol) and went immediately back to work this morning after arriving home at 11pm last night. But, here is a processed photo taken by the lucky groom, Jimmy Harvey, that sums up everything that is travel in my mind!

Shooting the Pyramid of the Moon from the top of the Sun Pyramid, Teotihuacan, Mexico

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

One more time, into the breach...

Just a few scant hours remaining on the homefront until we ship out for parts unknown - okay, not really, the parts are quite known to most of our crew for the week, but hell, it sounded good and I can be honest, there are going to be lots of things I will see this time around that I've yet to see, as I will now be seeing things only locals really know about. And you know? That is really fucking cool in my books. You know, as a backpacker, I normally use the internet or guide books to find cool stuff - but you know what? So does everyone else - there really isn't any "finding secret things" or "doing as the locals do" anymore. Not unless you are doing a home stay in a foreign country - then and only then do you get the 'real' experience. Just imaging all of those little places one may overlook as unimportant on a backpacking trek has fired my imagination! I so cannot wait for this adventure to start!

The Alchemist Conundrum has been resolved - it comes, as it was always meant to.

Last minute things to do but for the most part, ready to get the fuck out of here and this -30c bullshit. At least for a little while...

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Alchemist

Everything I know is telling me to bring my copy of Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist with me to Mexico - it's a tradition. Every time I travel, it comes with me, every corner of this little blue marble that I visit. But, there is this little voice inside telling me that it is time to stop this ritual - I've done it for so long and it's a reminder of another lifetime, another series of challenges I once faced on those long and lonely roads. It reminds me of a broken heart, long since mended. Yeah it has other meanings too, but at it's core, it was a balm for a wounded spirit. Not sure how MPie would feel to know that, even after all this time, she's still with me in a small way, as I jet-set all over the world. LoL!

Twenty four hours to figure out this conundrum...

48 hours to go!

Just two little days to go and we will be on our first outbound flight from Montreal to Chicago. Glad the ice storm is today and then it all clears up - seeing that weather alert and hearing about airport closures in this part of the country had me worried a little. But in the end, little cause for concern, nothing to see here...

Actually, we start our outbound run tomorrow night heading into Montreal, so tonight should be a fun old time, doing all the last minute housework and packing up my bags. Good times, good times.

Wednesday afternoon, that's all I need worry about, lol. We are staying with family of a friend - said friend not arriving until about 10 hours after we do - but hell, I can handle that part of it. It's not like Mexico is some great big unknown place to me :)

I think our first real outing will be to visit Capultepec, Mexico City's version of NYC's Central Park - that is going to be amazing! I can almost smell the aromas coming from the food vendor carts now! Food food food - that's all I care about, lol. Love that international cuisine - the most street food it is, the happier I will be.

Not sure how the photo updates will be done while away, since this is a group outing and we are there for a wedding, but I will do my best to keep everything as current as possible, as always.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

T-minus 5 and counting...

Actually four days until the outward bound leg of the trip starts with a bus run to Montreal and a connection flight in Chicago, where I am very happy to read, there are no major storms forecast. Anyone flying into O'Hare can attest to the pain in the ass that is flight delays and cancellations there due to weather. But, no cause for concern, so all is well.

Overnighting it again at the Montreal airport - sometimes, living in a non-metropolis is a pain in the ass. Bus to Montreal, waiting an hour for a shuttle bus to the airport and then a 3 hour wait at the airport to check in. Add the 2 hour layover in Chicago and the actual flight to Mexico City - yup, gonna make for a long 24 hours with little sleep for all involved. Me, I am certain to sleep almost anywhere, thats never been a problem, but the other guys traveling with? Not so sure they will be getting much until we arrive in Mexico.

The -35c weather outside is definite cause for excitement to be in Mexico once again, even if it is only supposed to be in the low 20s - this is a 50 degree difference and one that I am tickled at. I need sun and warmth. I love living in a first world country, but sometimes I feel like I should have been born in a tropical third world nation, lol.

Five days to go!