In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Alchemist

Everything I know is telling me to bring my copy of Paolo Coelho's The Alchemist with me to Mexico - it's a tradition. Every time I travel, it comes with me, every corner of this little blue marble that I visit. But, there is this little voice inside telling me that it is time to stop this ritual - I've done it for so long and it's a reminder of another lifetime, another series of challenges I once faced on those long and lonely roads. It reminds me of a broken heart, long since mended. Yeah it has other meanings too, but at it's core, it was a balm for a wounded spirit. Not sure how MPie would feel to know that, even after all this time, she's still with me in a small way, as I jet-set all over the world. LoL!

Twenty four hours to figure out this conundrum...

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