In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Monday, March 14, 2011

Update - Movie Status

I've almost got all of the photos assembled that I'll be using - just waiting on a few from the Ellies in Australia before I know if I've got everything I want to use. Tonight I'm going to start cutting the raw video into something a little more usable.

Music = done
Photos = almost done
Videos = editing

Heres sme photos that I got (one from Petra and from my video camera) that I really like and will be using. More updates as they occur!

Goa (Palolem) - Me overlooking the cliffs on Monkey Island
Goa (Palolem) - The Sea Cucumber Incident... I will say no more. :D
Karnataka (Hampi) - Sunset Monkey
Karnataka (Hampi) - Lakshmi rinses off after her bath...

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