In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Delhi - Redux

So I am back in New Delhi, and the place is just as schizo as it was the first time - and I love it! It feels bizarre to be here, somewhat. I know in my mind that I will be leaving India shortly from here, but at the same time, and this is the stronger feeling, I feel like I just got here and I should be leaving to go to a new city, like maybe back to Haridwar or something. Maybe tomorrow for a day trip - LoL!

Things are really quiet inside so I guess the mission was accomplished. I am completely at peace. In sincerity, this is the sort of trip I'd wish for anyone who has a troubled heart or scrambled mind.

Yesterday I spent the day walking the streets of Pahar Ganj, just soaking in the madness and exploring side streets I'd never seen before - it was kinda neat and I got some cool photos I never would have otherwise. Today I will be going back to the Spice Market and Chandni Chowk to shoot some video that I didn't on the last trip here because of a dead battery. Going to go to Jama Masjid also, India's largest mosque. The day after, the Lodi Gardens, India Gate (redux), Lotus Temple and the Zoological Preserve. Seriously, I'd really like to take a day trip to just one more city, but I don't think I have the time, without sacrificing others...

And yes, I have an arrangement with a local vendor to purchase some gifts in bulk, to bring home. Alright, time to go see what can be seen, to eat what shouldn't be eaten and to be utterly consumed, once again, by the insanity that is Delhi!

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