In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lightroom 3 and the merits of shooting in RAW

I've been using Adobe Lightroom 3 this week to do some post-processing on some of my shots from las years excursion to India and I have to tell you that I am really impressed with the results you can easily achieve with digital photo stock and this application. From something as simple as white balance correction to tone splitting, its a snap! Look below for before and after examples from Rishikesh, India and Central Park, NYC. The after shots really do look like how I remember it...

Left: Before corrections   - Right: After corrections

Left: Before corrections   - Right: After corrections

And if it can make a JPEG look that good straight from the camera, how good will shooting in RAW format be, I ask myself? And then that begs the question - should I be shooting in RAW for all of Mexico? If so, I may not have photo updates for you all...

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