In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 2: Valladolid and Chichen Itza

The camera issue is finally sorted out! Lucky thing too as I filled my SD card already and had to drain it today! LoL! Today was a whopper of a day. Started early at 6am, woken by the roosters in the neighbourhood, which was quite cool! Went for a coffee americano and headed to the local Mercado to have breakfast, which ended up being tamales with chicken and beans and included salsa fresco! Yummy!

It goes without saying that I went to Chichen Itza today. I literally had the pyramid to myself for near to every picture I took as the crowds from Cancun had not started to arrive yet, which I was immensely thankful for! I got a lot of great shots, but shooting in raw format really limited how many photos I could take. I think I ended up with around 100 or so, since the raw format shots are around 10 megs each. Its all good ... the backup camera has 8 gigs free and takes great photos too! Yes, there will be some today! After Chichen, I went to Ik?Kil Cenote and swan in the sinkhole with a fucktonne of catfish. Even got some photos and videos of that - and yes, the underwater mode on the camera works the charm! Bring on the dive at Tulum! :)

Spent the rest of the day chilling around town hunting down a few more sights and the elusive torta, of which I had 3 - 2 chicken ones and 1 pork. So yummy! 14 peses each, so like $1.10 canadian. Three tortas is about the size of a large baguette - yeah, I am a pig! What will tomorrow bring? Not sure, but I do know you're ready for photos, right? Here they are.

Me at Chichen Itza - See? The place was empty!

Segunda Cenote at Chichen Itza

Me jumping into Ik-Kil Cenote!!!

The catfish swimming in Ik-Kil
Okay kids, thats it for today... gotta go and relax for the next few days of amazing adventures! If Im not online tomorrow, dont worry - Ive got the transit from Valladolid to Tulum, and it'll likely be late, so I may not find internet right away. If thats the case, I will find one first thing Monday morning. Hasta Luego Amigos!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!!!
    You got great pictures!
    Happy you're having nice weather :)
