In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Monday, February 6, 2012

Soundtrack - Mexcio 2012

Last year, Toronto's Our Lady Peace ended up being the soundtrack of my sojourn through India. This year, I have settled on the debut album from Los Angeles' The Glitch Mob. It's got just the right blend of energy and melody and is tinged throughout with a subtle bittersweet sadness. It totally works for me right now and reflects my mood lately - which is to say, all over the map. Well worth the listen, if not the purchase. Check out their latest, We Can Make The World Stop.

That one is a little more energy and chaos - and it's so damned catchy! The whole album is quite good; I haven't hit a track yet that I didn't like. I haven't been this surprised with a release since Rammstein's last album, which is saying quite a bit.

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