In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Quintana Roo, Mexico 2012

Put in my request for time off today for the end of February to go backpacking the ruins of the Yucatan. Found a couple lesser known places that I'm really keen on seeing, based around the town of Valladolid, namely El Bakam, Chichen Itza (obviously) and a few cenotes around Valladolid like Dzitnup, which really has my goat at the moment.

Dzitnup Cenote - 10 minutes outside Valladolid

From Valladolid, I'll make my way southeast towards Coba and Tulum where I'll spend a few days being Indiana Joe in the Jungle and of course soaking up some rays on the playas in Tulum. From there, back up to Cancun to head over to Isla Mujeres to do some reef diving and visit a sea turtle sanctuary.

Pretty excited! Hope I get the time off ~ flights are fairly reasonable at the moment and would hate to wait and have them climb too high. More to follow...

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