In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 7 - Rishikesh

Spent a lot of time relaxing yesterday... this really is the peaceful sort of place to do that, as it is in the Himalayas. It does get cold here at night, but not so bad a blanket or two cant hold it at bay. Gonna try to get some more photos online for you... they will say more than I ever could about the beauty of this valley community.

Lakshman Jhula Bridge

Hanuman's Langur Monkey near Ram Jhula Bridge

Croissant Stealing Monkey!!!

Ive got the rest of today and tomorrow afternoon here in Rishikesh, and then I am off for a day trip to Haridwar, where I will catch my connection to take me 12 hours south to Agra and the Taj Mahal! See you all then!!! Peace!

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