In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Delhi - Day One!

I am here! The flight was exhausting (17 hours all told) - I even slept through takeoff in Istanbul - whoever heard of such a thing?!?!

Delhi is a chaotic mess! There are rickshaws everywhere, honking all the time, spewing toxic exhaust out at every rev of the engine. And the dogs, cows and other assorted critters makes for an interesting mix. Even though its a rough looking area I am staying in, everyone here is SOOO nice and helpful. And the food... to die for!

I will be going to do the touristy thing tomorrow and Monday... too jet lagged today to think about it. So, sorry, no photos yet. Im just too exhausted to think about it,. and its been a little rough adjusting to the air here. Its not really so different, aside from the smell and thickness of the pollution, but Im just not used to it.

I finally am here ... I am finally doing it. Those traveller stories that I always had to listen to??? Yeah, they're mine now... And Im tickled pink at the idea of it all.

So dont worry friends... I am safe and I am sound, if not just a little tired and missing things we take for granted. More will follow...

And oh... to call Canada from India for 10 minutes??? $0.45 canadian... lol, I love it here! 30 minutes internet usage, $0.25.

Until tomorrow...

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