In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Thursday, December 9, 2010

35 days now!

Only 35 days to go before I leave the drama that has become my life behind. Only 35 days until I start down the path to reconnect with the person I once knew, the person I miss being. I know he's out there, somewhere, waiting to be found. And when next we meet, we'll have to have a long conversation, my old friend, about all of the places we've been, all of the things we've seen and learned an suffered. And in the end, we will have to see if there is still a chance for us to meet somewhere in the middle. Truth be told, I trust in life to bring us together at long last. I trust in life to connect what has been severed. I trust in you to see that we are not so different that we must part ways forever. I trust in myself to be completely honest with you, and in that honesty, extend the hand that will reunite us in the common pursuit of our life.

Nothing else matters in this endeavour. You are the priority - I am the priority. We are the goal.

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