In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Friday, November 26, 2010

22 Days

I just realized from looking at the log of posts I've made that this entire trip from conception to booking of flight took only 22 days - thats quite a lot I've done in such a short span of time to get something as complex as this trip off the ground.

The idea of a trip, the destination, the itinerary, the research, the travel permit, the medical treatments, the gear, the advice and the flight. All in 22 days... and now I have to wait 48 days until liftoff.

Interesting set of numbers. 22 to plan it, 48 to wait for it, and all told, 82 days away. Almost half a year of my life will have passed by the time I get back home from the day I started planning it. And I will be spending my birthday there too. And to top it all off, I will be there for Holi. Don't know what Holi is? Watch the video below. Me, I can't wait for it... I've planned my return to Delhi just to be there for it!

Got My e-Tickets

So, I have in my possession the e-tickets sent to me by Flight Center. It's absolutely a done deal now. I can now move forward into the hotel selection phase for the first few days in Delhi while I acclimate to the culture and everything else.

In my excitement today, I decided to add two more stops on my itenerary - Haridwar and Kollam. One is a most holy place and the other a beach to kill for.

I only have two more days left in my home and after that everything I own will be in storage for 4 months.

But I will have a trip of a lifetime, followed shortly after by a very empty bank account.

Flight is booked!!!

I just finished booking my flight (using Flightcenter). Grant total with the non-medical insurance (RBC) was $1240.00. The insurance covers cancellation and interruption, so it was worth taking, if only for peace of mind should my flight be axed due to any reason whatsoever.

That was a scary thing to do! I'm now committed 100%... at least I will be once my transaction clears my credit card and the e-tickets are emailed to me. Just waiting for that to happen and I'm not sure how long it will take.

I'm scared now, honestly. It's not just words on a blog or thoughts in my head or plans in an excel spreadsheet. It's reality now, and I am shitting bricks.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two Days Until...

Found a flight for $1006 taxes included. Going to book it Friday!!! And then, there's nothing much left to do other than book my first hotel in Delhi to acclimate to India for a couple of days. Still not sure which one I want to pick, but it will definately be in Paharganj. I've got a few I'm looking at, but have yet to make a decision. Lots of time left to do that anyways... Im not leaving until the 13th of January.

Look out India, here I come!!!

Money Stress

So I've been working on my budget and stressing not so much over what the trip will cost me all told, but more to the point, on how much money I'll have left to my name when I come home. Not having a home to return to is very stressful, especially when you have no possessions to rebuild your life with.

And thats exactly where I was the last couple of days. I know I will need to buy all new furniture and everything else I'll need. I will literally be starting from scratch (minus the tv, I have that at least). So yeah, finances are totally messing with my brain.

But, fuck it... I need this trip. After careful examination of funds, I have found money I didnt see at first. I know I'll be okay if I can stay within my estimated range of expenses. And you know what? The memories and the sense of pride in the accomplishment of doing this trip solo are worth every penny that I may be missing when I get home.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bought Some Gear - Started Packing

So this morning, I did a video test to see how the new camera looks in morning light - I was impressed with the colours. The zoom absolutely sucks, but what can you do for a fixed lens camera at $200. I'm going to do another test at around noon local time to see how that looks - I'm sure it will be crisp!

Just got back from MEC. I just had to start buying those items I know I'll need on the trip. And since for the next week I am living so close to it, I couldn't pass up the time to go do it now. When I move out of the apartment, I will be too far away to make it feasible.

So this morning I bought:
  • A role of nylon thread @ $2.50
  • A money belt to wear under my pants @ $9
  • A mosquito net @ $20
  • A retractable cable lock (24") @ $9.5
  • Protective cover for my backpack @ $9

Grand total for this mornings trip to MEC was $56. There are still a few items I need to buy, but they can wait until the next visit. I intend to buy a head lamp, a toiletries bag and maybe  a travelers alarm clock. Although, it may be cheaper to buy the last two somewhere else. I don't know yet. I'm going to look around at discount stores to see if I can find something relatively the same, but cheaper. Cost is everything right now.

I also spent some time last night stocking my first aid kit. MPie was nice enough to let me pilfer through hers for sterile syringes, latex gloves and varies types of wipes, some small bandages and gauze pads. I do need to buy some polysporin and more band-aids though, of varying sizes. You can never be too safe when it comes to health and safety. I will need to get some immodium and pepto bismol soon too. I've got tylenol, tiger balm and other small items I'll need to keep in top shape. All of that is now packed in my backpack.

Later today, I have to begin packing my belongings to move out of the apartment, so I'll likely just stuff the summer clothes I'll be taking to India in the backpack too. May as well do it now so that I don't have to dig through boxes and the like later to do it.

Okay, got a lot to do today, so until the next time...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Video Test

Okay... just a stupid little video to test what it looks like. Shot this at 720p just because its going to downrez anyways on youtube or whatever. Starting to get dark out, so the image isnt as crisp as it should be in broad daylight. Not much to be done about that, it is what it is for a $200 camera. Although, I am not unhappy with the result, with the exception of the microphone - seems a little thin and doesn't pick up my voice too well. Again, a $200 camera. Its more for the imagery it'll capture anyways, as I know I'll do voice overs on all my vids when I get back... And now the test...

Well, the conversion from the raw mp4 HD format to windows media format (Windows Movie Maker) took some of the clarity out of the video and introduced some artifacting, likely due to the interpolation and down rezing. Still, for an internet video (like Youtube), it isn't too bad. But the reviews were right - this camera is not that equipped for low light situations. Good thing I plan to sleep at night when in India... LoL!

EDIT: It looks like absolute crap now... Movie Maker down sampled it to 480p and now the blog site has downed it again to 240p. Seriously... if this is the quality when compressing, I'll be glad to be making DVDs from my trip footage... damn thats pixelated!!!

EDIT #2:  Gonna try uploading directly to youtube at 720p and see how that works out (sending the original mp4 from the camera). Obviously I wont be able to do that lter when I cut my trip video together, but by then I should have a solution to reducing the distortion.


Seems to work A LOT better, but still defaults to 360p when you first start watching it... BUT, you can change it now to 480p and 720p... glad I didnt do the test in 1080p! That looks so much better and gives me hope that I can send home small videos to people while away.

Photo Test of the New Camera

Yes, I got it! $199.99 for the camera and it came with a free HS class 6, 8 gig memory stick... nice! Just posting a test shot of the living room using the camera's photo function.

Doesn't look too bad! Not as good as my main camera, but it will certainly do in a pinch!!! The video test will be later - still trying to figure out how to convert the captured data to something I can work with in my editing suite.

Camera Time!

Soon  I will be going to the bank to activate my mastercard and ensure that I have a pin number for ATM withdrawls. And I will be going to Future Shop to purchase my very own 1080p HD camcorder! I've opted for the JVC WP-10US waterproof pocket camcorder.

Smart looking little bugger, isn't it? Not only is it waterproof to 10 feet, but it also shoots video in 1080p, or 720p (my preference). It also has stereo audio recording, and should I wish to use it, it can double as a voice recorder, saving audio journals in mp3 format. Apparently this little unit will shoot video at 1080p with stereo sound (AAC format) at a rate of 30fps and only rack up 1 gig of memory for every 10 minutes of video shot. Of course, I will be opting for 720p, which will give me more storage space, and I've read that I can alter the fps from 24fps (film), to 30fps (tv), and all the way up to 60fps!

It also has a time lapse feature so I could in theory do one of those sunset sequences somewhere (Jaisalmer?). It also takes pictures too, and can store 10000 photos on an SD card.

The unit I am looking at is currently on special for only $199.99, and it comes with an 8 gig high speed SD card. Will that be enough for what I want? I dunno... In theory that's only 80 minutes at 1080p, maybe double that for720p. Its included free though, so maybe I'll just go with that and resort to offloading the camera every once in a while in India, when time and Internet cafes are present.

At any rate, its going to be a full day of preparation for my trip! I may even run over to MEC after going to Future Shop to start buying those little necessities like the mosquito net and money pouch. More to follow... maybe even a demo movie from the new camera!!!

Friday, November 19, 2010

And The Credit Card Arrived...

All the pieces are now in place, save for the money. And that's the easy part! Yes, I got home from work today to find my Mastercard in the mailbox. All thats holding me back from booking the flight is the paycheck I'll get next week. And then... oh yeah, $1057 CDN round trip tickets from Toronto to New Delhi with a 2 hour layover in Instanbul! Life is fucking great!

Oh yeah, as a tip to other planners - don't be held back by the usual carriers when looking for flights. I'm using a Turkish one (Turkish Airlines) to get there and back again. Just because the flight centers tell you the cheapest is $1400 or so, don't believe it, and absolutely search the actual airline's website to see if the price is cheaper than the so-called cheap flight vendors!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Tourist Visa Is In My Hands

As of this moment, my visa and passport are resting comfortable in my hands... no more stressing about it. Now all I need is for the Mastercard to get here and then I can book my flight!

Holy fuck - it's really happening!!!!!

Visa Is Approved!

Started to stress out too much and made a call to the Consulate's help desk last night. I wanted to know where my passport and visa were, as it had been nine days since I'd sent it in. They did a little search in their systems and told me it would be arriving at my house on Wednesday or Thursday. Which of course prompted me to ask if it was in fact approved - which is certainly was!

So! I'm going to India... all of the pieces have fallen into place. Credit card is good, Tourist Visa is good. Now all I need to do is book my flight, get my shots next week and then it's simply a matter of waiting for my departure date.

I'm so excited!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Going it all alone

I had asked someone to consider the possibility of making this trip with me, but for numerous reasons that won't be happening now. Kinda bummed out about it, but for the reasons I am going there, maybe this is a good thing after all. Now the accomplishments will be of my own doing and entirely for me to enjoy, without having to share them with anyone. Still, it would have been nice to have someone to share stories with about 'that time in India'.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm a Nail Biter

Yes, it is true. I have that annoying and nasty habit of constantly chewing on my fingers. I'm now four days into trying not to do it in preparation for the trip and it's getting really tough. I'm constantly finding my fingernails between my teeth in those moments when I am greatly distracted. I've been doing good though in catching myself and stopping. Only three times have I caught myself after the nail had been severed.

But seriously, this is a habit I need to break before going to India. Can you imagine all of the germs I could be introducing to my body by doing that there??? Yuck.

Starting To Get Ready!

I know I am still a week away from getting my passport and travel visa back, and I've yet to purchase my flight, but I just couldn't help myself today. I started to buy essential things for my trip, two things to be exact. First, I bought the latest Lonely Planet India travel book - now I won't have to use Mpie's to plan my trip. Hers in 3 years old now anyways, and a lot could have changed since she bought it.

I also purchased the most essential piece of travel gear of all - the traveler's journal. This off-green little book and I are going to be very intimate for the course of my trip. I'm debating as to whether or not I should do an entry now, just to clarify the reasons I am going, and what I hope to accomplish while there. It could be an interesting read one day to see the hopes I had before the trip, and the final outcome - will they align or will they be different?

I'm excited today!!!

Preparing a Checklist

So I'm sitting here on this gloomy cold Sunday morning researching what the average backpacker takes with them to India. I've been compiling a list of items that I personally feel I should bring from home for my trip.

Clothing - 4 t-shirts, 1 long sleeve shirt, 2 pair of shorts (1 day wear, 1 swimming), 4 pair of underwear, 3 pair of socks, 2 pair of pants (1 cargo, 1 jeans), 2 bandanas, a ball cap, a fleece sweater, rain coat, flip flops and a good pair of shoes.

Toiletries- Soap, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol, Toothbrush / Toothpaste, Sun Screen, Mosquito Repellent, Multi-Vitamins, Purell, Wet Wipes, a few packets of kleenex, conditioning shampoo, condoms (you never know).

Essentials -  Ear plugs and eye mask, Microfibre towel, Sleeping bag liner, Ziplock bags, Mesh Laundry Bag, Money Pouch, Money Belt.

Electronics -  Power adaptor (110v-220v), flashlight, Travel Alarm Clock, iPod and Charger,Camera(s), extra XD card for camera, Calculator.

Books - Lonely Planet India Travel Guide, Traveler's Journal, a book to read, Phrase book.

Printed Items and Cards -  Passport/Visa, Flight Tickets, Travelers Cheque(s), Photo ID, Photocopies of all important documents (some to take, 1 set to leave at home), Mastercard, ATM card, Extra Emergency Cash.

Extras - Backpack lock and chain, padlock for hotel rooms doors, small locks for bag zippers, empty pillow case, First Aid Kit, Mosquito Net.

This list is by no means exhaustive nor is it too much for a 50L backpack and day pack. I'm sure I can find room for other things I may want to bring, but in reality, there really isn't much more I think I'll need to bring. I can buy most anything in India cheaper than here anyways, so if I do find I need something, I can buy it while abroad.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Destination Spotlight: New Delhi

In order to pump myself up and to have a hard copy record of the things I would like to see and do in India, I've going to start a Destination Spotlight for each place I'd like to visit. I'm starting today with the first city I will be in, New Delhi. I'll start with a map I've created using Google Maps.

(Click to enlarge)

For New Delhi, aside from the obvious localized sight seeing that will occur in and around Connaught Place and Paharga, there are 7 key things I'd like to see.

1. Indira Gandhi International Airport  - Obviously I want to see this, it means Im in India!

2. India Gate

3. Jama Masjid

4. Red Fort 

5. Raj Ghat

6. Humayun's Tomb

7. Lotus Temple

I'm sure there are other things I would love to see, but these are first and foremost in my mind. Just planning to do these little jaunts all over Delhi is really bringing this home! I am going to Delhi!

Photo Vs. Video

This morning I am sitting here debating the whole photograph Vs video question. In a perfect world, I would ideally take both. But to do so entails lugging around 2 cameras, which could be kinda bulky. There are HD cams that do take still shots, but you know, camcorders are for video and cameras are for photos. I know I wouldn't shoot video on my camera, so why shoot photos on a camcorder?

That being said, I would love to have a film version of the trip. Something to capture the sounds and pace of it all. And to be honest, I'd love to cut all of those clips into a continous video journal of my trip to share with friends and family. Photos can only go so far for that - they're more a personal keepsake than anything. At any rate, if I had to make the choice, taking photos would win hands down over having a camcorder.

I'm still trying to get one though, because thankfully, I don't have to really make the choice. In sincerity, it just dawned on me that there is NO choice to make because I want a video journal and I want photos. So it looks like I'm going to have to find a lightweight HD camcorder, fast.

Editing a video and sharing it with friends in a public location like a trendy bar would be a good way to share the experience with a large crowd, and it could be a good way to meet new people too! Back when I lived in Toronto, there was a friend of mine who did exactly this, and the results were amazing! Large amounts of friends and family watching a personal voyage, with random members of the public getting interested enough in what was going on in the back corner / room, to come in and check it out. At least 80% of the people that would pop in to see what was happening would usually stay and introduce themselves to her afterwards, commenting on her video. Yep, great way to expand your social circles... so video it is!

(And photos too for my personal albums - I'd be a fool not to have 10MP photos)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Prepaid Travellers Credit Cards

So, I've been trying to get a prepaid credit card for my trip. My bank, BMO, offers a prepaid mastercard with the usual security features of a regular card without all of the hassle of applying for the real deal. This one does nothing against your credit rating, good or bad. There is no risk to the bank, so it's just a simple application and a telephone interview et voila!

Suffice it to say, my card is on the way now and should be here in 7 business days. The beauty of the card is that it is valid for 3 years, has full protection, has a one time fee ($10) and is usable anywhere in the world, just like a normal credit card.

You load money on it, via online banking in my case, and whatever is on the card, you can use right away. The upper limit for this type of card is $10,000!!! Minimum balance is $100..

So... now I have the means to buy my flight online as well as book my hostels and trains. Just need the visa and passport returned before I can do it. :)

Life is good! And the game is afoot once again...

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Okay, Now What Is This?

Something has happened, and I don't know what it is. I should be super pumped about this trip, but all of the sudden about two hours ago, the wind just went right out of my sails about this. I don't know if it has anything to do with impending circumstances in my life at the moment, or if its the fact that BMO Mastercard has no record of me even applying for a card two weeks ago. Its probably a little of everything thrown into the mix with the Visa stress and the fact that flight costs have climbed $100 in the last 24 hours...

And it's all starting to take the breath right out of this thing...

Not Sure About Thailand...

Emailing back and forth with the local high commission of India didn't get me very far. I still havent had my questions answered, but I did get a lot of runaround. So yeah, looks like Thailand might be off for now. But that gives me something to look forward to for another time I guess... although I had kind of gotten my hopes up.

Maybe I'll look to see if its possible to arrive in India and depart from Thailand... that might be a way around all the red tape BS I'm getting from the government reps in the consulate.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Okay, so I checked to see where my visa application was at - I'm a wreck like that! Appears it was delivered yesterday to VFS at around 2pm... so now I have to sit here and wait to see if the visa is approved or not. Nerve wracking is a mild way to put it... should be about 7-9 days until its back approved or not. I hate waiting for things.

Patience joer, patience...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Got the final pricing for my vaccines

Dukoral = $80
Twinrix = $60 (requires 3 shots, $60 each time)
Typhoid = $40
Tetanus = Free (I like that!)

So, all told the first round is 180, of which my insurance covers $144. So I pay $36 for the shots, and $50 for the consult and the doctor. First round = $86 out of my pocket. Feeling a sense of security against nasty life threatening diseases = priceless.

I just wonder if it costs me $20 for the doctor each time I go back for my Twinrix??? At any rate, the appointment is confirmed for the 22nd of November.

Now to go do some more research about how to get to Thailand...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Oh Fuck! What Am I Thinking???

Now Ive got it into my fool head to finish off my Indian Adventure with a jaunt into Thailand... this can't be good for my bank account! Although... it doesn't seem so bad now that I'm pricing it out...

But there is a hitch. Getting back to India may be hard, if not impossible because of the stupid two month between visits law... There may be two ways around this though, and I'm researching them in earnest.

1. Apply for a special circumstance from the Indian Mission. I dunno if I can do that from India or not though. I'd need to have my flight booked to Chiang Mai, Thailand, with a return date. Looking into this one, as the flights are easiest to book while there (and cheap too!)

2. Book the flight to Chiang Mai, and have it land the same day I want to leave India. If I don't leave the airport, I won't need to use my travel visa. This seems sketchy, but in theory it could work.

Thailand... oh you crafty mistress! This is all my friend Alex's fault... she left today for a 30 day trip.

EDIT: Too many conflicting reports on how this works... I guess I'll just phone the consulate tomorrow.

Doctor's Appointment is a Go!

Got word back from the travel clinic that my appointment is set for Nov.22 in the morning! This is great news ... however, the costs are brutal. Okay, reasonable, but still... $30 just to talk to the nurse? And then it's another $20 to have the doctor give me the shots, which incidentally I have to pay for and then submit a request to my insurance company to reimburse 80% of total medicine costs (the $50 for consult and injection is not covered).

Sent word to the clinic today also to get the drug codes for the injections I want (Dukoral, Twinrix, Typhoid) just so that I can verify that they ARE in fact covered. I know twinrix is, but the others??? This is something you should do also if you plan on taking a trip... be sure youre covered before agreeing to the drug.

Still... in the end, its much better to be safe rather than sorry.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Destinations Pt.2

I love this place! Only India could offer you so much to see and do. Its almost as if with every click of the mouse, or every turn of a guide book page, you come across something else that you just have to see. Suffice it to say, I've scrubbed my list somewhat and trimmed off the fat (re: places that finally don't appeal to me). But, in doing so, I found new places I am dying to see. There were places I'd wanted to add, but for the amount of time it takes to get there and back to my regular route, it simply wasn't worth it. Ah well, I will go see that rat infested temple some other time. :)

So, Pune, Pondicherry, Udaipur and Mangalore have been cut. In their place I've added Jaisalmer, Hampi and Thekkady (gotta do the whole elephant in the jungle thing). I've also allocated some time to go see Sarnath when in Varanasi, and stop at Khajuraho and Orchha on the way back to Delhi. The last two are right in line with the train back, so it won't be so bad. New timing estimates have been updated to cover the estimated train lengths as well. I've opted to take as many night trains as possible to cut down on my hostel costs.

All told, I am looking at roughly 10 days of transit via train or bus, again, most of it at night. And my allocation of stops for touristy activities is at 43 days. That gives me some leeway of 7 days or so to extend if someplace really grabs my goat. And again, I can always cut days at a specific place too, if I'm running low on time or if it just sn't working for me.

The adventure just keeps getting wilder and wilder and I'm not even there yet... just under 2 months away now!

Researching Costs

Spent last night researching costs for traveling between my intended destinations. I cannot believe how cheap it is to take the train in India! 26 destinations planned and the cost is roughly $120 Canadian! Mind you, a few of those transfers are with buses and I don't have costs yet - however, I feel safe in estimating that total travel costs while in India will be less than $150. My god... 60 days of traveling an entire country for the same amount as I pay for my cable/phone/internet each month.

All costings for the trains was done on the India Railways site (which is run by the government, so its 100% accurate). You can get there to do your own research here: India Railways Site

So now I have costings for travel (minus 6 bus rides I need to take) at a maximum of around $150. And most of the trains run at night, so I won't need to factor in hostels / hotels into it. Probably not the best way to sleep, but certainly cheaper! And what a better way to really see India than from a train! Next up is the research for places to sleep in areas I will spend more than 1 day in. I estimate it won't cost too much for that either. On average from what I've seen, it's about 300 - 400 rupees per night. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on which place you are in.

I have no way of knowing how many nights I will need to stay in a guest house / hostel, but even if I assume half of the time there I will do that, that's still only $225 for 30 nights worth of real rest. Not bad at all.

So now I'm looking at $375 for travel and sleep. Food is so cheap, I don't even think I need try to calculate it. I'm such a sporadic eater anyways, there is no way to really know. Some days I eat once, others 3 times. I can estimate though, that if I eat twice a day (which is normal for me), it should cost me about $225.

Now I'm at $600 for 60 days of travel, sleeping in hostel and food. And I've budgeted $1500 for the trip, so I'm doing very well. However, there are still a great many costs to factor in like entrance fees to attractions / monuments. But that shouldn't be too bad either, depending on the places I want to see. In truth, I've tried to see the things that are free to see. The one's that cost money, I've narrowed down to conserve as much of my money as possible.

I'm guessing I may hit $1000 total for the whole trip once my feet hit Indian soil. And that just blows my mind!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Online Resource - India Mike

There are a number of excellent sources of information on the internet that can help you plan your trip. I've used many of them. The only problem is, each site has different things to say about a great many topics. It can be confusing to read only one point of view per site.

Luckily there is a nexus point you go to to get any and all information you could want. From actual travelers that have been there and done that - some of which are still there, doing it. Join the community at India Mike

Not only is there thousands of posts to search through to find concrete answers and advice, but you can join the site (free membership) and post questions that you just can't find the answers to. One word of warning though - people on forums expect you to at least make the effort to search the site for an answer before you post something that has been answered 100 times over.

Well worth the time it takes to search for the answers you need and even more worth it to join up and ask direct questions about those things you cannot find.

And, if you know people that have been there personally, you'd be wise to pick their brains. I know I am lucky enough to know 3 people that have done it and it's equally reassuring that I can ask them anything I feel I need to know...

Visa Application Is Under Way!

I just got back from sending in my application for my visa! Sacriest $125 CDN I've ever spent... the outcome of that application determines if I get to do this trip or not - I'm nervous as hell right now, but I'm certain everything will be alright.

Cost breakdown: $10.00 for the photo (2 actually, but you only need 1 - the other I'll take in case I need an emergency replacement visa or passport), $25.00 for the 2 enevlopes. I got Canada Post Expresspost ones. One large and one medium. Both prepaid and filled out with addresses. And finally, $83.75 for the visa fee and service charge. All together with taxes, it's just under $125 total to apply for the visa.

It felt really weird mailing my passport away... and exciting too. Now it's getting more real. 10-12 days from now, if all goes well, it will be a certainty! Wish me luck!

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Oh yes my friend, now comes the fun part - the part that really solidifies the fact that you are going, going, gone to India! See? Once the visa was done, it just starts to roll.

When deciding where to land in India, you should consider what it is you want to see, and what you want to do. You should also consider other important matters such as travelers warnings in effect for any given destination you may decide upon. You, as a Canadian can find those notices here: India Travel Warnings

For me, the choice was clear. Start in New Delhi!

If you don't know too much about any one place in India, Google it! I started by looking at other people's itineraries for their trips to get the names of places to research (Wikipedia) and to learn about the types of things to do in any given area. Try searching with "first trip to India" and read some of the results to get a basic idea of where you can go and what you can do. You'll find that 90% of the people start in Delhi.

Once you've decided on where to start your trip, you'll want to start building a base plan yourself. One word of advice - no matter how well you plan it, it will never match your approximations. Just be aware than anything and everything will conspire to delay your connections from place to place. Leave yourself a wide buffer of time to allow for travel between cities and possible delays. This is just as true for India as it is anywhere else, maybe even more so.

And also be conscious of the fact that you may have to drop destinations off your list due to time constraints too. Who knows? You could meet some cool Australians in Goa and spend 4 days longer there than anticipated. Whatever you plan to do, plan to not have a concrete plan!

But don't give up on the idea of seeing all those amazing places you'd like to see. But also, don't rush through them, as with any trip you may take. You want to enjoy the trip, not feel like it's passing by too quickly. Just saying from experience on other trips, be realistic with your base plan. And you know what? If you don't get to see something this time, there will always be other opportunities!

All of that said, I'm going to share my base plan with you - note that I have 2 months (60 days) in India.

New Delhi - 2 days
Rishikesh - 2 days
Agra - 2 days
Jaipur - 2 days
Udaipur - 2 days
Mumbai - 2 days
Pune - 2 days
Goa - 5 days (various locations)
Mangalore - 2 days
Kerala - 5 days (various locations)
Pondicherry - 2 days
Chennai - 2 days
Kolkata - 2 days
Darjeeling - 2 days
Varanasi - 4 days
New Delhi - 2 days (final days before homeward bound)

The total of my estimation is 40 days visiting cities and places. That leaves me 20 days for traveling between destinations and extending at certain ones. And these are not set in stone. They could be skipped, or others could be added. Just note that I tried to stay within a 66% allocation of available time in my base plan.

For you, pick your Arrival city and the plot out what you'd like to see or do, based on your research! Just try to keep a circuit, so that you can get back readily enough to the city you depart from (usually the same as the one you arrived to). Look at the map below to see an example of my base plan.

In all likelihood this will change though, as I am discovering new things I'd like to see and do everyday - like riding an elephant through the jungle looking for tigers!!! At any rate, be creative with your plan, but also try to be realistic too... plan for what can't be planned.

Vaccines and medication

There are many schools of thought on what vaccines you need. The best thing you can do is research them and come to your own conclusions on what you want to do about them. They all have their ups and downs.

For me, the important ones are: Dukoral (anti travellers diarrhea caused by E.Coli), Twinrix (Hepatitus A/B), Tetanus Booster (TPD variety) and an anti typhoid fever shot. Anti malarials have many mixed reviews so use your best judgement. There are better ways to manage mosquitos than popping pills every day and making yourself sick. Worst case, you can buy Doxycyclene in India cheaper than here...

When you've decided on what you should take, make an appointment at a travelers clinic. They will do an interview with you to assess your vaccinations, your travel plans and make suggestions to you, as well as supply you with the required medication. Ask ALL questions you may have about side effects - don't leave anything unasked. The last thing you want is a nasty medication related surprise while on your trip!

Note: Before agreeing to any meds, get their DRUG ID#s and consult your insurance provider to see if they are covered first!!! I was lucky in that the required shots are covered by Sun Life at 80%! Also note, the tetanus shot is free in Ontario and Quebec in any clinic... don't pay for it at the travel clinic.

Also note that there is an inoculation schedule required for some medication, so give at least 6-8 weeks for these before your date of departure.

I need a Tourist Visa???

Yes you do! And let me tell you, this is something that you want to take care of first and foremost. Without the tourist visa, you cannot enter India! For Canadians, all the information you need is centered at the Indian Visa and Consular Services website (VFS Global) at the following link:

A few words of caution to take note of:

1. When you print the application, be sure to print the two pages required to fill out on the same piece of paper (two sided). The checklist must also be sent in, but print that by itself. You can find the application here:  NOTE: you need Adobe Reader for this to open.

2. When filling it in, you must use a black pen (BIC works great) and everything must be in CAPITALS.

3. You cannot leave any blank spaces. If something doesn't apply to you, write N/A.

4. There are a few questions on the application that can be confusing. I'll get to those in a moment.

5. You will need a photo, passport style (face forward), cut into a dimension of 35mm x 35mm.

6. You need to have a minimum of 190 days remaining on your passport. If not, renew it first!

7. And yes, you do need to mail your passport with the application forms.

8. It would be wise to add a cover letter explaining your reasons for the visit amongst other things.


Now, there are few questions that caused me no end of grief and no end of bad on-hold music waiting for an explanation. Here are the things you'll need to know:

1. Question #19 - You want a multiple entry visa valid for 6 months. Always choose this, in case you want to travel outside India. Be warned... if you do leave though, there is a 2 month delay before you are allowed to re-enter India. There are circumstances where this can be bypassed, but it's apparently a whole tangle of red tape.

2. Question #22 - If you are a tourist as I am, you will only need to print your name in APPLICANT field. Everything else will be N/A. Unless you have a cellphone that is... put that number under your name. All the sponser fields will definately be N/A.

3. Question #24 - Write N/A here for all three if you dont have family or friends to stay with in India. The reasons will be explained in greater detail below, but suffice it to say, if you're following my method, you won't have booked a hotel yet, so you can't tell them where you're staying...

4. At the bottom, there is a solid black line. Below it are places to fill in. Tel is your mobile number, and Res is your home phone. Dont forget to sign it at the bottom!


Why did you put N/A in #24? Like I said, the visa should come first. Without it, you shouldn't be booking hotels or flights. Since you haven't done that yet, you need to explain in a cover letter, attached with the application, as to why that field is N/A.

Best way to explain the missing details is this: You wanted to get the visa before you booked your flight or reserved hotels. Tell them about your plans for going (the usual stuff about seeing monuments, and experiencing the culture and places, etc). You cannot fill out false info in the application, so don't put anything when you don\'t have anything concrete to write (N/A is your friend) - just be aware that you will need a cover letter and you will have to explain why the NAs are there.


Mailing it in - use the website instructions on how to send in your application. They are very straight forward. For Canadians, the visa's total cost (Ontario and Quebec) is 83.75, which should be sent as a Canadian Postal Money Order (info is on the site too!). Be sure you have your passport, your application, your checklist (signed!!!!!), your cover letter, your photo (attached to the application), your money order (filled out correctly) and a return envelope (instructions on site too). Once you have all of that, tuck them into the requisite envelope and mail it off. Be aware you need TWO envelopes. One to send in and one to get your stuff back with.

If all goes well, you should have your visa and passport back within 10 - 12 days. Once you have that, the rest will start falling into place VERY quickly!!! Trust me...

First Things First!

So you've decided, like I have, to go to India? That's great! Now, you need to spend some serious time studying everything you can about being a tourist in India. There are a lot of things to consider before taking the plunge and wasting any more time and money than necessary. I hope I can save you that time by pointing you in the right direction. Here's how I did it.

1. I made the decision to visit this magical place, not next year, not the year after... but NOW. I made it an imperative to go, and the rest started to fall into place. I didn't have hesitation or doubts about it - the first few days in India will apparently be quite rough and if I wasn't 110% committed to it, I concluded that I may as well stop right now and consider Mexico instead.

2. Once I decided I was going, I had to examine a few things. First, why I wanted to go. For me this is a personal journey of growth and healing, but also a means to experience first hand, an ancient culture that I have always been fascinated with. I had to be sure of my reasons, because if I was going for the wrong ones, the trip would be a failure that I would likely resent. Next I considered my time frame, which is two months minimum. And oddly enough, I have access to that much time or more. Which inevitably lead to the question of money ... did I have enough?

3. The question of whether or not you will have enough money is a difficult thing to answer until you are there. Oh yes, you will find all sorts of prices on the internet, but let's face it - everything online does not reflect reality. The best I could do was make an estimate of relative costs versus time spent in India. This entails a lot of research which I'll touch on in another post later.

4. After I'd gotten determined to go, assured myself that the reasons were just and that the time and money were there, the reality of the trip started kicking in. And once I hit this stage, I started to get VERY excited. I want to go here! I want to do there! WOAH! Worry about that later ~ you need to figure out what you need to do to get there in the first place, I told myself. Which is what the next entry will be about...


Welcome to my blog, chronicling the trails and tribulations of organizing my first trip to India. The purpose of the blog is to give a good central source of information that is difficult to find on the internet. I've had a lot of trials trying to get info and help regarding many varied things.Now that I am two weeks into the information collecting stage, I wanted to pass along the fruits of my labours for anyone else in Canada that may be planning a trip to this wonderful place. Most of it is applicable to anyone, really, but there are obviously going to be posts geared entirely for those crazy Canucks, like myself.

I hope it's of use to you, and I hope you enjoy reading along as I pull all of my hair out, trying to get myself to India!