This morning I am sitting here debating the whole photograph Vs video question. In a perfect world, I would ideally take both. But to do so entails lugging around 2 cameras, which could be kinda bulky. There are HD cams that do take still shots, but you know, camcorders are for video and cameras are for photos. I know I wouldn't shoot video on my camera, so why shoot photos on a camcorder?
That being said, I would love to have a film version of the trip. Something to capture the sounds and pace of it all. And to be honest, I'd love to cut all of those clips into a continous video journal of my trip to share with friends and family. Photos can only go so far for that - they're more a personal keepsake than anything. At any rate, if I had to make the choice, taking photos would win hands down over having a camcorder.
I'm still trying to get one though, because thankfully, I don't have to really make the choice. In sincerity, it just dawned on me that there is NO choice to make because I want a video journal and I want photos. So it looks like I'm going to have to find a lightweight HD camcorder, fast.
Editing a video and sharing it with friends in a public location like a trendy bar would be a good way to share the experience with a large crowd, and it could be a good way to meet new people too! Back when I lived in Toronto, there was a friend of mine who did exactly this, and the results were amazing! Large amounts of friends and family watching a personal voyage, with random members of the public getting interested enough in what was going on in the back corner / room, to come in and check it out. At least 80% of the people that would pop in to see what was happening would usually stay and introduce themselves to her afterwards, commenting on her video. Yep, great way to expand your social circles... so video it is!
(And photos too for my personal albums - I'd be a fool not to have 10MP photos)
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