In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Friday, November 19, 2010

And The Credit Card Arrived...

All the pieces are now in place, save for the money. And that's the easy part! Yes, I got home from work today to find my Mastercard in the mailbox. All thats holding me back from booking the flight is the paycheck I'll get next week. And then... oh yeah, $1057 CDN round trip tickets from Toronto to New Delhi with a 2 hour layover in Instanbul! Life is fucking great!

Oh yeah, as a tip to other planners - don't be held back by the usual carriers when looking for flights. I'm using a Turkish one (Turkish Airlines) to get there and back again. Just because the flight centers tell you the cheapest is $1400 or so, don't believe it, and absolutely search the actual airline's website to see if the price is cheaper than the so-called cheap flight vendors!

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