In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Last Piece Purchased - Baby I'm Ready To Go!

So I went and bought a new underwater camera yesterday to replace the one that blew up in Mexico. Too bad they didn't have the one I'd originally wanted (sold out), but the one I did get is serviceable enough to get some good shots I am sure, at 14 megapixels no less!

Contemplating bringing my laptop on this excursion since there is no need for electric adapters and it will make updates easier on the go since there is free wifi at the hostel. Not completely decided yet however. The constant worry of theft or damage due to humidity is definitely a cause for concern. Kinda wished I had a netbook for things like this. Might be something to look into for the 2014 trip.

More than sure that if a person were to backtrack through these entries, there would be a noticeable trend before I fuck off on these little excursions, but yeah, I'm ready to go now. I want to go now, to be on that long and lonely road. I've got the pre-trip separation thing going on - I'm getting quite detached now and it is getting worse. I could say that I wonder why that is, but I'm certain it's something to do with the way I travel and the things I tend to thoughtlessly do while away. I am a loner and let's face it, I've been known to do very stupid things with little thought to my own safety or the feelings of those back home who would be affected should anything go wrong. Selfish? Perhaps. But, I am living my life on my own terms, doing what I want to do. And you know, it's not like I don't know what I am doing, it's not like I am completely unprepared in most cases. I've got this fucked up need to feel alive, like the rush of pushing my luck and risking life and limb makes me feel that and anything less would, in my mind anyways, be boring - if I wanted to feel safe and secure, I would stay home in Canada. Some would say I have mental issues. <shrug> Maybe I do.

Whether I am brain damaged or not - death wish or not - it is now 12 days until departure. I know everything will be fine and I will return in one piece with a fuck-tonne of photos and stories, as I always do. And more than likely, I will be whole again, having fulfilled my annual need to be up and away. I'll be refreshed and recharged for the next few months at least, until the itch strikes again and I need to board another airliner to take me to some other foreign place where I can enjoy all of the amazing eats, immerse myself in strange local customs and live life to the max in a way most people seldom do. And you know what? That's what drives me, that's what keeps me going - doing things that most people don't or won't. And certainly things that everyone should...

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