In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Signing off from Costa Rica

Thirty minutes until the shuttle takes me, once again, to the airport. This could be the story of my life in some senses, coming and going from airports. Not a bad story and definitely not a bad life! But yes, sadly, troubles aside that this trip has sprung upon me, the 2013 excursion has come to a close. Woke up way too early, due to falling asleep way too early, but at least I got to enjoy a nice last view of the mountains around the Central Valley and see some of the coffee plantations lining them, all while sipping on nice Costa Rican coffee on the rooftop of Pangea.

The mountains on the edge of town

And of course, a nice shot of the coffee!
Also, spent an hour outside talking to a fellow backbacker from Ireland, both sitting curb-side. The dude was completely wiredç on cocaine, self confessed, and man, what a riot! Every time a car or bus zipped past too close for his addled brain, he would recoil quickly to avoid being hit - me I didnt move, because, yeah, they never came that close, lol! 

Also, they forgot to mention last night in their logs that I had paid for the shuttle and when I went to get my ticket for it this morning, no-one knew anything about it and they had to phone the girl who worked last night and wake her up to confirm. The never ending saga of central american in-efficiency continues ... lets hope that is an end to it, and the airport adventure is smooth sailing...

So, with sadness, I sign off from the rooftop of Hostel Pangea, in San Jose, Costa Rica. There will be other updates, reviewing the places I´ve stayed and the places I went along the way, for those who stumble upon this blog around the globe, looking for travel advice. 

Adios from Costa Rica!

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