In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Santa came, Santa came!

Well, the insomnia stuck again. Tried melatonin to hit the hay at around 10:30, but nope, didn't work it's usual magic. Woke up at 3:30am and tossed and turned in and out of sleep until 5:30am, when I finally decided to get the hell up and just get a start on the day with a nice coffee and breakfast. I've got time tonight for a little sleep before leaving anyways, so no biggie if I am dragging my ass through the day. Couple that with a three hour crash on the bus to Montreal tonight and I should be alright to get me through until take off in Toronto at 11:30am. Granted, I can also have an hour power nap on the flight to Toronto, so, all should be well. Worst comes to worse, starbucks is readily available in the airport in TO, and the flight to El Salvador is long enough to get all the sleep I want - just have to get through the night and morning, which I am sure to do with the little naps here and there.

Lack of sleep definitely sucks hairy ass though. But, on the upside, payday coming on departure day is a very nice thing and you know, I have a feeling I will need it. I got hammocks to buy! Yes, more hammocks. Some people collect postcards (I do that too) and others collect many other things - I collect hammocks from all the place I've been that sell them. Why? Dunno... I think it started because I got too lazy just to bring one from home and then wanted one while away. And also, I didn't want to bring say a hammock from central america to India, nor an Indian hammock to Mexico, nor a Mexican hammock to Costa Rica... and so my cycle continues. And anyways, I don't have nearly enough room in my pack for one, not with the mozzy net, trekking and diving gear and all of my clothing. Nope - the old Black Diamond (otherwise referred to as the 50 mission sack) is completely full - no room for anything (or anyone) else. :)

Here's to hoping the day goes quickly and easily. And also that my hopes of catching some sleep are actually realized and that I am able to get through, until at least the first leg of the international flight, without killing anyone. LoL!

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