In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tropical Deluges & Sloths!

Yes, you read that right ... sloths.. And baby howler and spider monkeys, crawling all over me and hugging me. No photos of it though as they do not allow cameras in the monkey cage.

So woke up this morning intent on going trekking in the jungles of Manzanillo, but the rainy season hit at around 8:30am and lasted until around 12¨00pm or so. With that, I axed that hike and did the jaguar rescue centre today instead of tomorrow - figured why waste a day? In the end though, it wont be Manzanillo I go to tomorrow, but Cahuita - monkeys, jungle trekking and the best coral reef on this side of the coast! Sounds like an excellent way to spend my last day in PV...

Kinda burned out today - loads of walking around after the rescue centre, as the rains had stopped by then and the sun came out in full force. Anyways, daily roundup of photos... and I know youre all going to like them! :)

Fer de Lance - most deadly snake here

Emerald Tree Boa

A Montezuma bird

What you were waiting for! Baby sloths!

And a baby howler monkey!

Crazy assed bird was back stalking me again!

The deluge!

Cool flower after the rains - artistic shot...

Liberian rattlesnake

Baby howler monkey - it loved to hug me!

And another baby sloth! :)

He lied - I followed his nose, no Fruit Loops...

And yes Rachel, an ocelot - Happy now? ;)
Okay sports fans, that´s it for this update - dinner time. Thinking herb encrusted sea bass or red snapper. Or maybe shrimp and calamari cosada. Either way, a happy belly... stay safe mi amigos!


  1. Hee hee sloths and ocelots!

  2. Amazinf pictures, wow!!! It must have been so much fun :) I'm happy you are loving it.... (But no more pictures of fucking creepy snakes...*shudder*)
