In Search of a Sunrise

In Search of a Sunrise

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Weather Conundrum

It's a rainy day in hibernation-ville with little to do aside from constantly monitoring the weather in and around Limon and Puerto Viejo. It is the rainy season when I will be away, which of course is not as bad in Central America as monsoon season in Asia was - it rains a little in the morning and the evening, especially so now, near the end of the season. Still, it has me wondering how many of those beach-front days will be rain free. If I can get at least two days completely free of rain to do some reef exploring, I will be content. Swim with the fishes, snap some good photos - hell, maybe spear a lobster and cook it beachside and retire to a hammock for an hour or two of blissful swaying to the rhythm of the waves crashing ashore. This works for me. Totally.

But of course, wondering about something as ever-changing as the weather is about as useful as trying to figure out the state of Schrodinger's cat without actually looking into the box in the first place.

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